Recent Invited Lectures
2023 In-person lecture for the Music Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong,
““All utterance is song” : Exploring the music of bai 白 in Cantonese Opera”. Nov. 21.
2023 Book launch lecture at the Hong Kong Book Fair for 香江傳奇——一代瞽師杜煥, Convention Center,
July 19.
2023 In-person lecture as the Chou Wen-Chung Distinguished Lecturer on Chinese Culture, “Redefining Music:
Traditional Guqin Music in Performance and Theory”. UCSD, May 2, 2023.
2023 In-person lecture for the 21 Century China Center “yinyue zhonghua shalong 音樂中華沙龍 “从古琴中寻
找失落的传统文人世界”. May 1, 2023.
2023 In-person and zoom lecture for UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive. “A Fifty-Year Project: Fieldwork and Field
Materials with the Blind Folk Singer Dou Wun in Hong Kong” April 28, 2023
2022 Zoom lecture for UCLA Center for Chinese Studies. “Pines in Ten Thousand Valleys: The Life Journey of a
Musical Instrument (b.1640).” Nov. 2, 2022,
2022 Zoom lecture for China Institute, China Institute and the Renwen Society(华美协进社,华美人文学会) New York
City ‘芳音如兰——赵如兰的精彩一生 (Sweet Sounds: The Extraordinary Life of Rulan Chao Pian) . July 30.
4/29/2022 Zoom lecture for UCLA Archive of World Music. Songs of Tragic Love: Young Scholars and Beautiful
Courtesans on Pearl River’s Flower Boats.
10/14/2021 Zoom lecture for Xinghai Conservatory of Music 传统音乐创作探讨 1:瞽师杜焕史无前例的自创南音中篇诗.
2/22/2019 University of Washington. "Creative Process in Traditional Music".
8/21-23/2018 Keynote speaker for the 6th Symposium of the Study Group on Music of East Asia, International Conference on Traditional Music. Title: “Exploring Creativity in Traditional Music. National Gugak Center, Seoul, South Korea.
10/12/2017 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Metrical Transformation and Tune Metamorphosis in Cantonese Opera
--dedicated to Rulan Chao Pian, pioneer in the study of Chinese traditional opera”
Two lectures at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver
9/21/2017. “Hong Kong’s Folk Music and Local Culture: The Art of a Cantonese Blind Singer”(sponsored by the Hong Kong Studies Initiative, UBC)
9/22/2017. "An Audience of One: The Private Music of the Chinese Literati" (sponsored by the Music Department, UBC)
4/2/2017 Keynote speaker at the 20th international conference of CHIME (European Foundation for Chinese Music Research), World Music Center, Department of Ethnomusicology, UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music.
“Pines in Ten Thousand Valleys: The Life of a Qin Zither”
2023 In-person lecture for the Music Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong,
““All utterance is song” : Exploring the music of bai 白 in Cantonese Opera”. Nov. 21.
2023 Book launch lecture at the Hong Kong Book Fair for 香江傳奇——一代瞽師杜煥, Convention Center,
July 19.
2023 In-person lecture as the Chou Wen-Chung Distinguished Lecturer on Chinese Culture, “Redefining Music:
Traditional Guqin Music in Performance and Theory”. UCSD, May 2, 2023.
2023 In-person lecture for the 21 Century China Center “yinyue zhonghua shalong 音樂中華沙龍 “从古琴中寻
找失落的传统文人世界”. May 1, 2023.
2023 In-person and zoom lecture for UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive. “A Fifty-Year Project: Fieldwork and Field
Materials with the Blind Folk Singer Dou Wun in Hong Kong” April 28, 2023
2022 Zoom lecture for UCLA Center for Chinese Studies. “Pines in Ten Thousand Valleys: The Life Journey of a
Musical Instrument (b.1640).” Nov. 2, 2022,
2022 Zoom lecture for China Institute, China Institute and the Renwen Society(华美协进社,华美人文学会) New York
City ‘芳音如兰——赵如兰的精彩一生 (Sweet Sounds: The Extraordinary Life of Rulan Chao Pian) . July 30.
4/29/2022 Zoom lecture for UCLA Archive of World Music. Songs of Tragic Love: Young Scholars and Beautiful
Courtesans on Pearl River’s Flower Boats.
10/14/2021 Zoom lecture for Xinghai Conservatory of Music 传统音乐创作探讨 1:瞽师杜焕史无前例的自创南音中篇诗.
2/22/2019 University of Washington. "Creative Process in Traditional Music".
8/21-23/2018 Keynote speaker for the 6th Symposium of the Study Group on Music of East Asia, International Conference on Traditional Music. Title: “Exploring Creativity in Traditional Music. National Gugak Center, Seoul, South Korea.
10/12/2017 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Metrical Transformation and Tune Metamorphosis in Cantonese Opera
--dedicated to Rulan Chao Pian, pioneer in the study of Chinese traditional opera”
Two lectures at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver
9/21/2017. “Hong Kong’s Folk Music and Local Culture: The Art of a Cantonese Blind Singer”(sponsored by the Hong Kong Studies Initiative, UBC)
9/22/2017. "An Audience of One: The Private Music of the Chinese Literati" (sponsored by the Music Department, UBC)
4/2/2017 Keynote speaker at the 20th international conference of CHIME (European Foundation for Chinese Music Research), World Music Center, Department of Ethnomusicology, UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music.
“Pines in Ten Thousand Valleys: The Life of a Qin Zither”