The video clip was taped on May 31, 1986 in Shanghai Conservatory of Music in a conference to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of Yao Bingyan (1921-1983). The piece is Xiaohujia (Barbarian Horn) from Shenqi Mipu (Wondrous and Secret Notation, 1425) Volume 1 。 My teacher Yao Bingyan carried out the dapu process for this piece. Videographed by Shen Ya'ning 。
摄于1986年5月31日上海音乐学院,纪念姚炳炎老师(1921-1983)逝世3周年集会。所奏曲目小胡笳(神奇秘谱1425年,上册)姚老师打谱,1982年亲授。沈亚宁摄。 |
This video clip was taped on Dec. 9, 2009 at the University of Pittsburgh as part of a documentary film on qin by Helen Rees. The piece is Meihua Sannong (Three Variations on Plum Blossom) from the Chuncaotang Qinpu (Spring Grass Qin Handbook 1744), taught to me by Tsar Teh-yun laoshi. Videographed by Helen Rees. 摄于2009年12月9日美国匹兹堡大学。曲目梅花三弄谱取自春草堂琴谱, 1744年。 蔡德允老师1978-80年在香港亲授。李海伦摄。 |
Huaxuyin (Song of Utopia), from Shenqi Mipu (Wondrous and Secret Notation, 1425). Recorded in 1998 at the University of Hong Kong.Dapu and taught by Yao Bingyan Laoshi.
华胥引(神奇秘谱),录于1998 香港大学。姚炳炎老师打谱亲授 |
Longxiangcao (Soaring Dragon). From Ziyuantang Qinpu 1802 Taught by Tsar Teh-yun Laoshi. Recorded in 1998 at the University of Hong Kong.
龙翔操(自远堂琴谱,1802),录于1998年香港大学。蔡德允老师亲授。 |
Recorded in 2005 at a live performance in Freer Gallery, the Smithosonian, Washington DC. The pieces are:
Moon Over the Pass 关山月 00‘ Lamenting the Past 概古引 begins at 2’10“ Drunken Elation 酒狂 begins at 5'45" Wild Geese Landing on Flat Sand 平沙落雁 begins at 8'42" Magpies Cry in the Night 乌夜啼 begins at 16'45" |